Impact of Google June 2021 Core Update

After Page Experience update , now Google has come up with its latest core updates. Google June 2021 core update was launched on 2nd June 2021 and is the first core update for the year, following by Google July 2021 core update.

It rolled out for 10 days and impacted many websites; people are seeing big changes with this update. As, it is completed now, this is the right time to review its impacts. However, before that, lets discuss the fact why Google is releasing update in 2 parts; Google June 2021 Core Update and Google July 2021 Core Update.

Why Google is Releasing Updates in 2 Parts – June and July Core Update?

Google announced its first update in June 2021 and then another one in July 2021; what’s the reason behind this? According to Google, all pieces of update were not ready in June, so they pushed out what was ready with June 2021 core update and pushing the remaining in July 2021.

This is what Google said on this topic last month:

Impact of June 2021 Core Update on SERPs:

According to Semrush Sensor’s SERP volatility measurements, the major fluctuation appeared on 4th or 5th June 2021, however, on 4th June 2021, the update effect was at its peak.

It was noticed that mobile SERPs appeared to be slightly more volatile after analyzing both mobile and desktop stats. However, the difference is negligible, with desktop fluctuations being 0.2 percent lower. SERPs were relatively calm in the first two days. However, things began to move faster on June 4-6. Days after the update, it was realized that the “Google June 2021 Core Update” impacted nearly all industries, however, the top five most affected sectors were Health, Autos & Vehicles, Pets & Animals, and Science & Travel, and, on the mobile SERPs, the most impacted sectors are Real Estate, People & Society, and Beauty & Fitness.

The top 5 sites that were hit the hardest were:

Domain                                                 Category                                Travel                                     Travel                                     Travel                                              Internet and Telecom             Pets and Animals

While it is a tough time for some industries, some are actually gaining with this update. The Food & Drink, Law & Government, and Internet & Telecom sectors have seen the most significant improvements and visibility.

The top five sites with the highest average position gains days after the June 2021 update (data for June 4-6) are as follows:

Domain                                                      Category                                       Business & Industrial                                        Travel                                         Travel                                      Business & Industrial                                                 Arts and Entertainment

Furthermore, the Google July 2021 update may reverse some of the position spikes or drops, so we should all be ready for the next Google surprise.

However, one thing is clear. While we can’t control our site from algorithm changes that affect organic visibility, we should pay close attention to Google’s recommendations and monitor our website’s rankings, as well as SEO and content quality .



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